Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Living On the Cheap

Aren't we a beautiful family? Well, yes, we were. We however didn't have a pot to pee in. We didn't know enough back then to realize we weren't supposed to be happy. Go us.
I was a single mother for a long time. Money was scarce. While my salary was embarrassing, I was able to figure out that money may make the world go around, it didn't have define us as a family.
Step one-if you don't have money you don't have to be depressed, just creative. Don't have a creative bone in your body? You don't need one right away. It's a muscle that can be flexed and increased over time. I got a "D" in home economics. I would love to see that teacher again and show her that while in 9th grade I couldn't make pancakes, I can now recreate any dinner from any restaurant in town. I learned how to make what we needed or create stuff from things we already had. For example, my youngest needed a Halloween costume in 10 minutes because I had forgotten all about the party she was to go to for Brownies. We grabbed her sisters first communion dress and slapped it on her, put a plastic "engagement" ring on her finger and pulled the silk flowers out of a vase and sent her on her way in 10 minutes flat, just in time for her ride. She was the loveliest 5 year old bride anyone has ever seen.
Step two-shop in your own place. Check cupboards, dressers and closets to see what you have. Be sure you are not buying things you already own. Have bags and boxes of crap you don't need or use anymore? Pull it all out and take a long hard look at it. What can you make with it? If your imagination goes blank then check the internet. Old clothes can be turned into a family quilt. Old lamps can be painted and new shades cost very little. Paint is God's gift to us to renew old crap and make us feel better. Have several buckets of old paint, but not enough to use on a single project? Mix the paint and create a whole new color. As long as it is the same base either oil or latex, go crazy and make your own color, then name it after yourself. I did this and had enough to paint a bathroom. Mine was Sunny Kellie Yellow.
No more excuses about not being able to think things up to reuse. recycle and reduce waste. If you have a computer you have ideas.
Step three-life isn't perfect. Enjoy homemade, imperfect stuff. If you have kids you already do this with their artwork and gifts. I mean, really, how many paper angels do you really need? Kids don't need the very best. They just need you. Make stuff for your kids that mean something only to you and them. They will gladly sport that misshapen sweater you knitted for them, because you made it. Don't try this with teenagers. It only works for the kids that are still small enough to think the sun rises and sets for you.
Teenagers require a little more thought, not to be confused with stuff. Make a scrap book that is all about them. Ignore the faces they make at you and watch them as they put it next to their bed, so they can peruse it when you aren't looking. The narcissistic creatures that took over your small children want to be validated, so give it to them in the form of simple gifts and stop their whining.
This is only the beginning. Living without tons of expendable cash is easy. Dusting all the crap you have bought is hard.


  1. I really enjoy your writing. We need some common sense like this at this time

  2. I really enjoy your writing. The remarks you made today are really needed at this time


Say what you will...