Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ain't Love Grand?

People let me tell ya 'bout my best friend...OK, I admit it I love that song. But the truth is this blog is about a bestest friend. I met her only a few months ago and she is the Gayle to my Oprah, the person I text or call when weird, funny, sad, stupid, and ridiculous things happen. She accessible, accepting and hilarious. She makes me laugh so hard I can't catch my breath, she goes on my tangents traveling along adding to my stories, infusing them with all the funny we can shake out of the giggle tree. She is without a doubt born to be my friend, my girlie, my secret keeper, my confidante, my friend who simply gets me on a gut level.
I met her at work, at first we were polite, kind to each other, sort of watching what kind of people we were to each other and the world around us. I had so much respect for her integrity, her decency, her loyalty to her work, her company and our students. I had seen her do her job to perfection, smiling when things were really tough, teaching me when I knew next to nothing about the job we were doing. Her patience is undeniable, her laughter infectious. She is a rare and special person. I saw in her something remarkable. She is truly one of her kind.
I am a blurter to those who know me well and accept that I am a dork and unable to control it. She simply accepts me exactly as who I am without hesitation or judgement. When was the last time you could say that about anyone in your life? For me it happens so rarely I had almost forgotten how it feels to find it.
My friend takes time with me, she makes me feel as though I matter. I am a better person when I am around her. That's what real friends do, they raise you up, they allow your talents to shine so you are the best version of yourself when you are with them. They are happy for you and you are for them. I am always happy for her, whatever big or small thing she accomplishes, whatever she is able to fully enjoy, I am with her, laughing hysterically feeling her happiness and sending it right back to her.
I admit I have not always been so lucky finding female friends. Most of my friends are men, young and older, I love the company of men. Women are sometimes more challenging for me. My strong personality and love of power tools makes me somewhat odd to them. I have my lifer friends, the ones I have had for decades, but I hadn't met anyone I had wanted to add to that group in a very long time. Trusting someone with personal issues is scary. Allowing yourself to feel vulnerable in front of someone for the first time can be nerve wracking, but in my gut I knew I could trust my dear, dear new friend without my usual hesitation. It brings me such joy having this new relationship in my life. I am here for her whenever she needs me to be and I know for sure I can count on her. Her husband, a dear sweet soul with a brilliant smile and mind is also someone to love. He is a real man, leading with his heart, seeing those in front of him with acceptance, so he took Mike and I in.
I don't feel like I have to hide behind a perfectly clean house or a sparkling car. My friend and I were sitting in my car laughing at really silly stuff when she opened up my ashtray. I could have had a horrified expression and slammed it shut before she could see it's contents, but instead I laughed. Inside it lies an inordinate amount of chewed gum. Great gobs of brilliant green hardened masses fill its entire expanse. She busted out laughing as she saw my hoarded mass of green goo. I was busted, but not embarrassed. Had it been anyone else but her, who had seen the contents of my bad habit, I probably would made an excuse to exit, but with her I laughed as she took a picture of it with her phone. I hide nothing from her. I am as I am in whatever form shows up that day. I freely admit I have taken a sort of possessive ownership, a doggedly loyal attachment to my new friend. I have teased her about practically peeing on her to mark my territory, she really is just that important to me. The wonderful thing is she knows and reciprocates.
Friends are hard to come by, there is no doubt. You know you have found one for real, when together you can revel in even the grossest discovery.
So my darlings, here's to friends, those wonderful, wacky souls who see us, all of us and love not in spite of the view, but because of it.

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