Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just when you think things won't happen...

Yesterday Mike and I were on home improvement duty when the phone rang and a lovely woman from our town's newspaper, asked to do a story on me and the book. Could I? Would I? Oh, yes, I absolutely would and have it delivered on any kind of platter they would like.
I had contacted them months ago for the book launch party and hadn't heard anything. I try very hard to remember this isn't personal, people are busy and things get in the way. When I didn't hear from them I assumed they had things to do. It's business and sometimes in business, I don't always get what I want.
The truth is, after months, I simply forgot all about it. I didn't sit and sweat and toil over the notion I couldn't get in the paper. I didn't get angry and stop reading the paper because they done me wrong, I just forgot about it and got on with my life. I had never considered that to be a system to be utilized, but I am starting to think it may be, and here's why...
I have a vision board. Now before anybody starts ragging on me about it being hocus pocus or new age crap, just read. I have a picture of my book that I created on January 1, 2007. Doesn't count because that would have happened anyway? Bologna! I had to quit my job and had no other job to go and that is why I finished the book. Before I had finished it, it sat in a cupboard and I had forgotten about it.
Not convinced about the "forget about it" theory? I had sent Oprah an email about Christmas gifts on the cheap and forgot about it. I got back to my working on the book and was busily typing away about my manfriend when the phone rang. The producer put me on the "Favorite Things" show, the most highly anticipated show of the year.
You couldn't possibly still be cynical, but just in is the biggest one of all. Years ago when I was single mother, I wrote a list of all the things I wanted in a man. I described him exactly the way I thought he should be including the way he looked. I also wrote down the big deal breakers for me and what I wouldn't be able to accept. I wrote down what my next marriage would look like, how we would be together, how we would live, how we would laugh. I put that list in purse and dated for a while noticing that every guy fell horribly short. Eventually I stopped dating and forgot about it. I am married to that guy! I am not just happily married, I am ecstatically married. When was the last time you heard someone say that. And the best part is, he feels the same way. No pretense, no hesitation, just honest love.
I forgot all about the newspaper and figured my book would sell about 1 a week for the duration of it's life span. Not exactly New York Times Best Sellers list, but I want to be happy however this turns out. I am choosing to be happy. Out of the blue, someone from the paper calls and I will be in next week's book section.
I am chipping away at my vision board and I am not working hard at it. I am putting my faith forward in a way that is easiest for me and forgetting about it. I am putting my wants out in the universe and letting God do all the heavy lifting. All I have to do is remember to say thank you. I think of all the "work" I have tried to do to accomplish things by myself, how that never works out the way I want and how easy it was to just ask.
Today I plan to add to the list. I want to jot a few things down and put it back in my folder and forget about it and see what wonderful things happen next.

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