Saturday, September 4, 2010

10 Pounds of Crap In a 5 Pound Bag

OK, so I m seemingly outing myself online for all to see. It's ridiculous how we live for now. I see the pictures and all I can think is, the neighbors are going to call and try to make us a A&E special on "Hoarders".
I would love to say, "I have no idea how this happened. One day I looked up and was surrounded by someone's stuff." Or I could try and be delusional and think that instead of someone breaking in and stealing our stuff, they keep dropping things off.
The truth is, we had a big house and decided it was a brilliant idea to keep everything we ever owned to fill it up. I watched over the years as the kids, Mike and I filled our 3000 square foot house from stem to stern, without much thought about what we would do if we had to downsize or live much smaller. I, personally, used the excuse of, "What if the kids need it when they move out?" The truth is there are thrift stores all over the place they can shop at to fill whatever apartment they going to live in. The other truth is, 3 of my kids are at my house, so they don't need anything, right now.
So many excuses, so little time. There is a solution to all of this, but it is hard, time consuming and I really don't want to do it, but I am anyway. Painstakingly, I am going through every single box, evaluating every inch of the contents and deciding once and for all if we love it, need it, or use it. Every piece of furniture is being scrutinized as well. Does it fit the life we want? Is it practical, useful or beautiful? Man, I hate this process. It takes me all day everyday to go through several boxes, only t revisit it later and decide to get rid of what isn't fitting into our lives anymore. I have kids saying I am throwing out their childhood. I get why they feel that way. My response is always the same, "Your childhood has left you behind to make room for your adult hood. The party is over, now go and get a box to donate, sell or throw away as much as you can."
I am the having to be strong about not hanging onto unnecessary stuff. There have been great sacrifices along the way, I assure you. The pram my sister and I used as babies, then my kids used got the ax. The rocking chair that I rocked my babies in got the ax. I am currently eyeballing some antiques that no longer suit my "live with less" lifestyle, too. Mike has stereo speakers that will blow your hair back, that he loves. The unfortunate part is they are ancient, standing 9 feet tall and don't fit. They, too, are getting the ax. The bottom line for now is if it isn't nailed down, not being used to it's fullest potential, then out it goes. The dogs circle around their food supply, lately, I think, fearful they may hit the bricks too.
This week we are building in cabinetry and a lovely granite bar to house our office supplies, art supplies and beer steins. If something can't do triple duty, it is out of here. It is a tall order to get things in shape, while jogging 4 miles out my way through the maze of boxes, bags and extra furniture. In the end, it will be worth it, knowing in two short years we may be doing it all again. UGH!

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