Saturday, June 13, 2009

There's No Place Like Home...

I am packing up and getting to go back and see my parents and friends in my hometown. As much as I love living in Houston, I miss all things familiar. It is as much an emotional journey for me as it is a physical one. I left my hometown and moved to the "big city" of Cleveland in my 20's. I never really looked back after that.
After I had my children, I noticed how much I wanted to visit Barberton, and show them where I came from and all the things that are ingrained in me now. Growing up in a small town has it's drawbacks, to be sure. But I understand now, why it's so very important to appreciate all the folks who love and appreciate you from home. My friends, most of them I have known all my life. We went to grade school, junior high school and then high school together. They got to see all the times I was a real jackass and witness my coming of age into being a civilized human being. They got to see all of it because in a small town there is no place to hide. They are also the first ones to show up with food after a tragedy. They will help in any way they can when someone needs it. These are the people who are my soft place to fall. Even though I live in Houston, I will be theirs too, if they need me.
This time when I go home, I get to be living proof that dreams can come true. I finally, lived up to my potential. My high school teachers should be thrilled. Those cats have waited over 40 years! I always was a late bloomer. I plan to go everywhere I can, taking in the sights and smells, touching every hand I recognize and allowing myself to sink fully into it. I miss being able to just drive down the road an hour to visit. I had taken it all for granted. I have the unique opportunity to appreciate my hometown and the people who make it home to me, while I am young and vibrant enough to do it. I am grateful. especially today, as I pack to make my way back, that I learned one of life's most important lessons before it was too late. There's no place like home.


  1. Looking forward to seeing you at the chicken dinner restaurant! I must warn you though, Barberton has changed somewhat. In many ways it's still the same, but a lot of things have been torn down and replaced. Or, some places have turned into a big empty spot. So be prepared to NOT see our "old" high school, the projects, and the old vaiduct. But if you get time, stop by some of the parks you used to go to, like Chrisman Park and Lake Anna. See you Friday.

  2. Have a good visit to B-town! So much has changed yet so much will always be the same. If you see my mom, please say hello!

  3. Wishing you a great trip to B-town. So much has changed yet some things will always be the same. If you see my mom, please say hello!


Say what you will...