Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Right to Bare Arms

I want to maintain my right to bare arms. I'm not talking guns unless you mean the gun show I put on when I am working out. Although I must admit, right now it's not much to see. I still have the eternal wave going on where my tricep should be.
Summer is here and I fell off the work out wagon. My truth is I hate the working out part, but love how I feel afterward and the results. Getting my fluffy butt into smaller pants is not just a goal, but my personal obsession. Right now I can squeaze into a size 10. Don't judge me. Remember karma is real. I can get into them, butt I am forever one good sandwich away from slipping back into my 12's.
Summer is in full swing here in Houston. The less clothing, the less perspiration soaked cloth I have to carry around. It's hot here. I know all my folks up north are envious of our pool and hot sunny weather, but I should warn you that means less time to get ready for it. At least northerners have the extra month to get in shape. I needed to start in December to be ready for down here. It's tough getting motivated for swim suit season with Santa hanging around.
I got caught up in refinishing the pool and prom and every other big happening around here and left myself out of the schedule. Now I am 2 full weeks behind. And when I saw myself in the mirror I realized how large my behind was getting.
Tomorrow, though technically for the rest of the working world is Sunday, in my household it's Monday. It's an opportunity for me to jump back on the wagon and ride it for the rest of the summer. It is my intention to get healthy this summer. Maybe thin isn't in the cards for me anymore. I'll settle for strong, healthy and happy.
Tomorrow when I get up and face my nemesis, the treadmill, I will remind myself that sleeveless is the goal. Tank tops-yes, turtle necks-no. Even if I still waggle and jiggle a little I'll be alright, as long as it isn't so bad it sets off some sort of perpetual motion dragging me off my feet and across the floor. I'll maintain my low expectations , so any change is good and surprising.
Tomorrow I will drag my sagging behind to my workout room (it used to be the formal living room, which for us was ridiculous since we are by no means formal people) and climb on the ball, hula my hoop and run on the wheel until the blood reaches my brain and I remember this is supposed to be good for me. I will be listening to latin music to help my motivation on two levels. 1) The fast paced music drives me to work harder.
2)It's in Spanish by a hot guy which will remind me to work harder for my man-friend.
I will be attempting to do this 6 days a week for 1 month. Please understand if the blogs are short or incoherent, it's because my muscles are rebelling and retalliating. No worries, though, the kids can help me around the house. hahahahahahahahahahahaha

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